American history is steeped in overcoming the gravest circumstances and forging our own destiny, in the process becoming a bastion of western democracy. Nevertheless, a key feature of American political discourse today is a complete lack of any serious treatment of substantive issues. Instead, politicians with no clear bodies of beliefs compete for the most shocking soundbite to grab headlines. Gone are the days of serious engagement with ideas on how to help real Americans, and in their place is a new age of corporate interests and dark money. Politicians accept the aegis of one of two major political parties and take as their watchword ideals they pay lip service to, and which bear little resemblance to the behavior of that party. Neither large party can any longer lay claim to responsible governance or good sense policymaking.

If you revisit the old presidential debates, the difference becomes even more pronounced: while their predecessors occupied themselves with advancing policy positions to grapple with the most pressing topics of their day, today’s pale imitations are content to sling mud and proffer arguments in obvious bad faith. Today’s political parties are abandoned to greed and defined only by fierce, uncompromising opposition to each other.

Do not misunderstand: this is not a romantic idealizing of the past. We live now in a more enlightened time and should continue that streak of progress – moral, scientific, and economic – this is a call that our politicians should keep pace with that advancement. Anything less is not worthy of our country or our people.

To continue on this path of increasingly polarization is to fail in our calling and let down those who came before us to conceive a nation of liberty. It’s time – it’s past time – for Americans to stand up and repudiate this hateful cycle and work again towards decency and common sense in our politicians and prudence in our government.

The New Whig Party will provide a third option, one grounded in good sense reform, individual liberties, and responsible government. For the millions of Americans, the majority by most reckonings, who are tired of grifting political parties, felonious politicians, and foreign powers influencing elections, the Whigs provide a grounded center. We are committed to the best outcome for America and Americans, regardless of where the policies to achieve that outcome exist on the traditional political spectrum.