Who We Are

The New Whigs are a political party advocating prudent solutions and sensible political reform. We represent the pragmatic Americans who want to find the best solutions, regardless of where they may fall on the traditional political spectrum. We encourage finding common ground and the return of civility to government.

Our History

The Whigs have a rich history of sensible, moderate policies and governmental reform in Anglo-American politics. Throughout the 19th century, Whigs worked to abolish slavery, protect American industry, and preserve fiscal responsibility.

The New Whigs were formed in 2023 to oppose corruption in government, reign in harmful over-spending, curtail executive power grabbing, and restore individual liberty. We take as our motto Constantia Et Virtute — By Firmness and Valor — to reflect our intention to pursue policies in good faith from a strongly held moderate position.

Our Platform

The Whigs stand for limiting executive power, free trade, keeping American jobs, supporting American innovation, educational reform, keeping American troops at home, a laissez faire tolerance in all society, and simplified tax reform.

You can read our full platform here.