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Who Are The Whigs
“The guiding principle of Government must always be prudent utilitarianism, leading by its design to positive internalities for its citizens. This is the Whig ideology.”
- Aiden Gonzalez, New Whig Party Founder and Chairman
What We Believe
Wage Growth
The Whigs believe in policies that strengthen the American worker’s paycheck, like an expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit.
American Infrastructure
To keep America strong and economically powerful, the Whigs know that we need robust infrastructure, including cyberinfrastructure
Free Trade
The Whigs know that protectionism makes America weaker and makes groceries more expensive. We are committed to trade deals that benefit America.
Strong Borders
The Whigs are committed to preserving America for its citizens. This includes jobs, land, and housing. We favor an acreage cap on land purchases by non-citizens, heavily taxing multi-home purchases by non-citizens, and strengthening our borders.
Energy Dominance
The Whigs believe in energy independence and primacy, through all means at our disposal including safe and reliable nuclear power production.
The American Dream
The Whigs believe in America and Americans. We are for good sense policies that put America first, and we put country above politics always.
Photos by JustStartInvesting, Austin Wills, CHUTTERSNAP, Greg Bulla, Jonas Denil, and Chris Linnett.